Mary Kennedy’s Toxicology Report Showed Three Anti-Depressants

Sep. 24th 2012

Is Your Child Abusing Prescription Drugs?The recent toxicology report released in regards to the suicide of Mary Kennedy – estranged wife of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. – showed that Mary Kennedy had no fewer than three different types of anti-depressants in her system when she took her own life. Even though she had struggled with alcohol addiction in the past, there were no traces of alcohol in her system at the time. Mary Kennedy’s suicide is another wake-up call that prescription medication can carry side effects that are just as dangerous as illicit substances are.

However, unless there are some drastic changes in the pharmaceutical industry, chances are that this type of headline will become far more common. The United States is heavily medicated and the abuse of prescription medication is spiraling out of control. We can do little to prevent physicians and psychiatrists from prescribing certain types of medication. Never the less, we can educate ourselves on the different types of prescription drugs.

The Classes Of Prescription Drugs

Before you can understand how prescription drugs work or why they may be dangerous, it is important to understand the difference in the classifications. Prescription drugs are primarily classified by chemical type, active ingredient, mode of action in the body or type. It is possible for a drug to belong to more than one class and many of those classes have several groups or subclasses. The one common factor behind prescription medication is that they were all intended for the cure, prevention, treatment or diagnosis of a disease, symptom, disorder or illness.

When looking at the classification system for prescription drugs, it appears very complex. Even though it is not necessary to know all the classes and how they work, it can be beneficial to know how these systems are set up; they include:

  • Body or organ system affected
  • Mode or route of administration
  • Chemical properties
  • Therapeutic effect on the body

The only reason to have an interest in this information is when you are taking more than one type of prescription medication or if you drink alcohol and/or use illicit substances. It is important to know how certain drugs may interact with one another.

The Abuse Of Prescription Medication

Because of their chemical effects, there are three commonly abused classes of medication. These include central nervous system depressants (prescribed for sleep disorders and anxiety), stimulants (prescribed to treat attention deficit disorder, anxiety, sleep disorders) and opioids (which are prescribed to relieve pain).

Stimulants – As the very name suggests, these often increase energy, attention, alertness, and drastically increase respiration, heart rate and blood pressure. The use of these stimulants release neurotransmitters (norepinephrine and dopamine). Both of these neurotransmitters stimulate the pleasure and reward center of the brain, one of the reasons people are likely to start abusing the drug. People want to avoid the depletion of neurotransmitters in the brain and want to feel good when they have extra norepinephrine and dopamine available. The abuse of these types of drugs can cause withdrawal symptoms, intense drug cravings and energy depletion. It may even cause psychosis, violence, aggression, insomnia, restlessness, irritability and paranoia.

Depressants – Central nervous system (CNS) depressants may also be referred to as tranquilizers or sedatives. Because they slow down brain activity, they are used in the treatment of sleep disorders and anxiety. These include general anesthetics, benzodiazepines and barbiturates. Because CNS depressants slow down the activity of the brain, if a person stops taking them, it can have devastating results. These may include harmful consequences such as seizures. While withdrawal from benzodiazepines is difficult, painful and problematic, there may be life-threatening complications if someone withdraws after having used barbiturates for a long time. Alcohol is a powerful central nervous system depressant and should be avoided when already taking CNS depressants; the same goes for mixing this type of medication with opioids because the consequences may be severe, possibly even life threatening.

Opioids – Opioids are amongst the oldest class of medication and often prescribed for pain-relieving or analgesic properties. The most commonly prescribed opioids are oxycodone, codeine and morphine. Every drug used in the opioid class affects both the body and brain by attaching to the opioid receptors in the gastrointestinal tract, spinal cord and brain. Because they affect the body in such a way, addiction can form quickly and be very intense. Side effects include constipation, nausea and drowsiness. Excessive use or an overdose may lead to decreased respiration, a potentially fatal effect.

The Dangers Of Prescription Medication

The abuse of prescription medication is on the rise in the United States and has been for some time. In fact, the number of deaths because of prescription medication abuse has surpassed the number of deaths because of heroin or cocaine abuse. The perception (combined with widespread availability) is the main culprit. Someone is much more likely to take a half tab of Oxycodone from a friend to ‘relax’ and have a good time than they would be to snort heroin, even though the dangers are comparable.

While it is true that prescriptions are out of control and we need stricter regulations when it comes to how easily these prescription drugs are handed out; that is not within our control. What is within our control is education, understanding why certain prescription drugs are dangerous and why this is not like buying something over the counter.

The danger with the abuse of these types of prescription drugs is that many people fail to realize that just because these are given to patients for medical reasons; it does not mean that they are safe for everyone to take. It should be clear that prescription medication comes with a risk. Even when a physician actually prescribes them for you; after considering your medical history, height, weight and other information, the only thing you need to do is read the long list of warnings you receive with every prescription you get. When someone abuses a prescription drug without understanding how it may interact with other things they are taking, the results may be fatal.

5 Comments on “Mary Kennedy’s Toxicology Report Showed Three Anti-Depressants”

  1. Merchant Account Mentors Says:

    After dating four years, engaged for one more and married for over 8 years, I thought I know her well. But my wife turned out to be addicted to painkillers and her dependancy on the prescription drugs is growing by the day. I don’t know how it really started or what brought it so; all I know is that she needs help because shes become very difficult to live with. We have two daughters aged 4 and 7 and they need her. I need her to but we need her to be clean and free from opioids or whatever they call it.

    Can I just get her into any rehab? Do rehabs even take unwilling patients?What is she resists? She always says she doesnt need help and everythings under her control. But all I see is her spiralling out of control. Shes angry at me sometimes for “accusing” her and often she would get in touch with “shadowy” folks just to get her meds. It scares me because she is to be trusted and ive known her since we were kids. Apperently I missed out on something back there. Since two to 3 years ago she has been sneaking in taking meds and seeing people who helps her get drugs. I think.

    Are there rehabs who just take in folks like my wife on the account of a husband’s request? I really dunno how it works.

  2. Lyrika SoulQueen Says:

    Two years ago, my mom OD-ed on antidepressants. She mixed more drugs and alcohol than ate or slept. Losing her meant my world crumbled as it’s only her and me, with me for the most part struggling to make ends meet for both of us. She had a breakdown after her boyfriend of 8 years left her just a few months after she was fired from work. I didn’t know how serious it got because I was working 3 jobs a week. Even if we spent a few hours each week together, mostly hearing her out and trying to cheer her up, the problem worsened. It’s mostly because the meds were made available to her. I would support any move to criminalize “mishandling” of prescription meds by doctors, pharmacists, parents and anyone who should be acting responsibly on depressants and any other medications.

  3. Ulrich K. Says:

    Depressants can have serious short and long-term effects on the body and the mind, especially once a person becomes dependent on and addicted to them. When more than one depressant is used at a time-when heroin and alcohol are used at the same time, for instance-the likelihood of an overdose increases even more. While depressants do have legitimate uses, it is important to always remain mindful of their potential side effects and addictive attributes. And should you ever find yourself addicted to a depressant, like alcohol, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, heroin or sleep aids like Ambien, it is important to talk to someone about getting help. It might just save your life.

  4. Vaneesa from New Orleans Says:

    I read somewhere a few weeks back that the Kennedys have it in there genes. Its not strange for themt o drink or do drugs. Maybe its the lineage and family practice to start drinking at a young age. Also there’s so much pressure being a Kennedy, right? So its the role of the doctor or family physician to help them. Someone should help them deal with it and let them know that it can be beaten! After all the Kennedys are not known for their addiction and drug abuse or being alcoholics but for being great people.

  5. Myles Kennedy Girl Says:

    just came across this as i was looking into kennedy stuff. so sad even if i’m not really a part of the family. it seems addiction to drugs and alcohol is so deep into many members of the family, eh? but i don’t think it’s genetic or stuff like that. more like the kids are exposed to the parents or elders who had the issues, and somehow the exposure got the best of them. tho there’s studies that show addiction streams could be strong in some families, let’s not be forgetting that there’s such a thing as “free will” and that many more popular members of the kennedy family tree just don’t have it strong. well, prayers for the younger generation. and they should get counseling even if they’re not into drinking or drugs just yet. it would help in preventing such tragedies in the years to come. also if there are kennedys right now who are struggling with drug abuse or drinking problems, it is best addressed right away, like getting therapy or rehabs. doing so would get the taint fading from the lineage and let the glorious side of the kennedys shine on. just my two-cents worth of thought.

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