PSA Similar to Horror Movie Warning Sailors about Bath Salt Dangers
The United States Navy released a frightening new PSA to remind service members that they need to stay away from the synthetic designer drugs commonly referred to as bath salts. The video (which you can see by clicking here), shows a first-person experience as a younger sailor opens a brown envelope, takes out the bath salts, snorts them in a thick, white line and proceeds to vomit. Afterwards, the sailor in the video strikes his significant other and experiences demonic hallucinations. The short PSA finishes with the young sailor having problems with seizures as medical personnel cart him to the emergency room.
In their own press release, the Navy states that the goal behind the PSA was to inform its members that these designer drugs are not a legal and safe way to get a good buzz. The Navy also stated that last year alone, more than 90 sailors across two San Diego ships were removed from duty after they were caught using synthetic drugs.
What Are They?
Even though we do not wish to excuse anyone for drug abuse and not following the rules, sometimes it is difficult to imagine that names like “Ivory Wave,” “Vanilla Sky” and “Bliss” conjure up anything other than laundry detergent names with most people. However, you would be mistaken. Those are just some of the names that bath salts have been sold under. These designer drugs are not merely a problem within the United States Navy, but they are causing havoc throughout the nation. Part of the problem is that these substances operated in a realm of legal ambiguity, until very recently.
The reason for the colorful names is simple – it has to do with marketing. By putting a sticker on it that says “not for human consumption” and selling these products as bath salts, glass cleaner, or spice, it allows the manufacturers to avoid a complete ban on the product. Many users report that they were able to find these substances in mini-marts, smoke shops and sometimes even at gas stations.
What is in These Products?
That very question is the reason that these synthetic substances are so dangerous. Even though many people throughout the media report these as a single group of illicit substances, they are in fact not. They have similar chemical properties, but are not the same. Most health and law enforcement officials agree that the common ingredients include methylenedioxypyrovalerone (MDPV) or mephedrone. However, the chemists behind these illicit substances are constantly updating and tweaking the formula, which leads to the creation of pyrovalerone derivatives. On its own, this substance has high potential for an overdose and because the actual content and ingredients are unknown, it becomes even more likely that a user may overdose. Not knowing what the drug contains also makes it far more difficult for healthcare professionals to treat anyone who comes in with serious symptoms.
Psychoactive Substances Lead to Deranged Behavior
While some might look at the PSA and imagine it is slightly overblown, we have to take into consideration that these are psychoactive substances. This means that they cross the blood-brain barrier and lead to changes in the neurochemical function of the brain. This will alter the user’s perception, mood, thought and behavior. However, one critique of the PSA is the fact that it shows the drug working as a hallucinogen. The main difference between hallucinogens and psychoactive drugs is the fact that hallucinogens induce changes into our conscious state. This means that the user may see things that are not there. Meanwhile, synthetic drug users may feel paranoid and panicked, but are not likely to see changes in their conscious state. However, reports of bath salts that do include hallucinogens are popping up more and more.
Why People Should Not Experiment with Them?
The first thing is that these substances have a high potential for dependence, but that is by no means the most dangerous part of the equation. The primary issue is the recommended dosage; mainly because there is none. Oftentimes, a user will pay $20 for a small bag of white powder. There are no instructions (because remember, these are supposedly not made for human consumption), so the user does not know whether to snort it, smoke it, use it all at once, divide it in half, use a tenth, they simply do not know. This can significantly increase the odds of a drug overdose.
People who experience some of the horrible effects have often taken too much, too quickly. When there is a constant psychoactive stimulant introduced to the brain, it means that the alarm bells in the brain go haywire. This causes the nervous system to overload. This could lead to reckless behavior, paranoia, mood swings and panic attacks. When the brain truly has no clue what is going on anymore, it may even lead to hyperthermia. Our body overheats because our body is unable to get rid of the excess heat fast enough.
The User is Unable to Sleep
There is serious mental instability, but in addition to that, there is also sleep deprivation. Because the brain is constantly moving at a reckless pace, the body is unable to rest and get some sleep. Many users opt to take sedatives in order to finally get some rest after days of staying awake. However, there are those patients who suggest that even the strongest sedatives they could find did nothing.
If the brain is unable to get sleep, to process information, it is only going to make matters worse. Depending on how long it lasts, sleep deprivation can cause countless different problems ranging from depression to psychosis.
Staying Away is Important
Whether these drugs are sold legally or not, it is a good idea to stay away from them. Mainly because we have no idea how they are going to influence our brain and our bodies after long-term substance abuse. Even though long-term testing has not been done, the grueling stressors it places on the body and the central nervous system is never good.
October 16th, 2013 at 7:53 pm
are we singling out navy here? c’mon. it’s everywhere so don’t make it look like the navy’s got sole ownership of the problem with bathsalts. the military back in iraq and afghan got it worst!!! it’s not just bathsalts or whatever trash we call the substance. get your facts and fiction off navy cuz most of us are honorable.